Meeting Emmet

During the first few weeks of January, we traveled to Xenia, Ohio, to meet our son’s service dog, Emmet. It was a meeting more than two years in the making.

This is the second video documenting that trip where we finally meet our new family member and share some of the training we went through to be able to bring him home. Enjoy!

If you would like more information on service and service dogs for children, please check out 4 Paws For Ability.

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel here EpilepsyDad on YouTube!

Our Road To A Service Dog

My wife and I created this video to share our experience working through the process to get a service dog for our son. If you’re thinking about getting a service dog for your special needs child, we hope you find this information helpful, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!


Links Mentioned In The Video

4 Paws for Ability


Dave: @epilepsy_dad
Kerri: @lostandfoundmom


Dave: @epilepsydad
Kerri: @lostandfoundmoms
Emmet: @4paws_emmet

You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel here: EpilepsyDad on YouTube